For a national uprising against the depopulation-repopulation of Rwanda
Message to the Rwandan people, the peoples of Africa’s Great Lakes region, and countries and organizations committed to the cause of the millions of Rwandans oppressed and ostracized over the past 30 years.
Rwanda, the land of our ancestors, has been sold at auction! For proof and as an example, the May 28, 2020, agreement between the United States of America and Rwanda [1], which cedes the Land of a Thousand Hills to a third State without any other form of consideration, just the signatures of the two officials of the concerned Governments. More recently, the agreements between the British Government and Rwanda [2] concerning the expulsion of “unwanted asylum seekers » to our country, Rwanda, which has become the dustbin of rich countries. Rwanda’s depopulation-repopulation program, concocted years ago, has been underway since 1990!
Soon, the survivors will wake up as foreigners in the land of our ancestors. We have examples – shocking today – of the fate of American Indians, Australian Aborigines [3] Polynesian natives, etc.
- The RPF’s stratagems to recreate Rwanda
1.1. Wars! It is a man-made catastrophe that decimates populations [4] and makes the survivors flee in a mass, even in their millions, to become displaced persons in their own countries or exiles condemned to wandering without anyone being bothered.
With war, it’s the destruction of infrastructure and the spread of misery, disease and epidemics that accentuate the morbidity and mortality of disoriented populations. This strategy of armed violence, which sows chaos, horror, and desolation in Black Africa, has a significant impact on the socio-demographic evolution of disaster-stricken areas [5].
Methods once thought to have disappeared in the light of the universal promotion of HUMAN RIGHTS have reappeared in the Region: barbarism, terror, cruelty, sadism, the destruction of people and their property are all means that disorientate the destiny of peoples.
Yet the violators of human rights, international humanitarian law and the most noble international conventions have been the same for decades and enjoy total impunity. It’s no coincidence that the so-called « civilized » world still rolls out the red carpet for them and cynically praises their « successes »!
1.2. Refugees: This is the strategy of scattering frightened, destitute populations in every conceivable and unimaginable direction.
The strategy of dispersing the peoples of the Great Lakes Region of Africa in general, and the people of Rwanda in particular, to every country in the world is an ominous sign for the concerned people, who flee their countries to be welcomed, sometimes « condescendingly », in so-called « rich » countries.
In this respect, it’s important to remember that it has already been proven that migration to rich countries benefits the host countries more than the countries of origin. Not only is it a question of plundering working populations of wealth-creating age in their countries of origin, but above all it is a question of providing cheap labor for Western countries, as was the case during the slave trade between the 16th and 19th centuries, which contributed enormously to the economic boom in the West and, consequently, to the endemic impoverishment of sub-Saharan Africa.
When Rwanda’s horrific war broke out in 1990, followed by the takeover of power in 1994 by the RPF [6] – well supported by the West – millions of Rwandans died, others fled the country. As if by a magic wand, hundreds of thousands of mainly Rwandan-speaking people (of Rwandan origin or not) returned to Rwanda to occupy the property and land of the former owners who had « disappeared » or gone into exile. This was followed by a program of mass influxes of « refugees » from elsewhere (Libya, Israel, the sinister Great Britain/Rwanda project, etc. See note 2). These are all strategies for occupying the space abandoned by the natives, and consequently changing the demographic configuration of the Region to plunder the natural resources that abound in the coveted territories.
In Rwanda today, we can see the gradual creation of two very distinct social groups: the common people (numerically a large majority) and an economic-financial elite made up, naturally, of a few members of the Tutsi International Power (TIP) [7] and foreigners from the mafia. This selected oligarchy is helping to build a well-structured apartheid (separate development). They have their own living areas, their own lifestyles; they recognize each other and are recognizable.
1.3. The impoverishment of ordinary people:
Rwanda is a small country 26,338 km2 with a density of over 450 inhabitants/km2) with a population that is over 90% rural [8]. Programmed impoverishment consists of:
-Forcing the population to change abruptly from dispersed living on family plots of land to grouped living on improvised assembly sites with no appropriate means for the families, no socio-economic infrastructures, etc.
-Wild expropriations, without compensation or support, aimed at uprooting populations and irreparably destabilizing formerly autonomous families.
-Demand for monoculture, which eliminates crop diversification and creates programmed or man-made famines, especially when combined with climatic hazards or the deliberate destruction of food crops.
1.4. The mass sterilization program (men [9] and women):
Rwanda having been the country with the strongest demographic growth in sub-Saharan Africa, since 2008 there has been recourse to mass contraception, sometimes imposed, with chemical and/or mechanical methods, if necessary, through vaccination. It is in this context that Rwanda has today become a veritable field of pharmaceutical experimentation for multinationals and a large market for the trade in human organs taken from abducted or missing people, kidnapped “vagabonds”, prisoners, soldiers picked up on the battlefield, etc.
This criminal program is supplemented by the massive confinement of able-bodied men in official and/or clandestine death prisons. Men are rounded up by the thousands, with or without indictments, and locked up for an indefinite period to isolate them from their families and leave the women and their descendants to their sad fate. Out of a population estimated at around 13 million, Rwanda has, as of February 12, 2024, more than 87,621 official prisoners. Thus, in 2023, Rwanda ranked 2nd in the world among countries with the highest number of prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants of the world population [10].
1.5. The toponymic upheaval of Rwanda: The administrative map of Rwanda was changed as soon as the RPF took power in 1994 [11]. The aim was to create a new state with a new population and a new system of government. The country’s history was turned upside down and interpreted on the whim of the ruling class.
The toponymical change of territories is accompanied by the methodical and systematic destruction of administrative archives of all public services (Prefectures, Communes, Hospitals, et.) and private services (Parishes and Convents). People were disoriented, statistics were distorted, and the geographical location of massacres and atrocities was changed to confuse potential investigations [12]! Survivors are unable to make any claims because they now find themselves in a new territory run by « parachuted » foreigners who respond only to orders from above.
1.6. The brutal replacement of the official language, French [13], by English:
French was quickly banished in the new Rwanda because it served as a means of communication for the « fallen » elite in whom the people recognized themselves. English was brutally imposed without transition, without teachers in the schools. Only a tiny minority (not even 1% of the population) could barely speak the new language. Those who spoke French and Kinyarwanda became illiterate in their own country. The whole culture and access to culture were changed. A new generation of half-illiterates is being born and is getting by in a well-orchestrated cacophony. The common people (Hutu and Tutsi alike) are excluded from culture and knowledge, while the future elite have their own schools, guidance, and support structures.
- A national uprising against the depopulation-repopulation of Rwanda!
The Rwandan people, from within and without, are united and called upon to assume their responsibilities before history. It is up to them to stop, discourage or even put an end to this crime against humanity that is being carried out in Rwanda.
We, members of political parties, members of civil society, members of the living forces for the right to life and to the homeland, all united, launch this appeal :
2.1. Let us be united and free ourselves from the categories that divide us and make us vulnerable to our oppressors on all sides. Together, let us make a heroic leap to overcome the socio-political categories that the FPR cross-border formation has exacerbated and cynically exploits. Our common objective is to unite our energies to eliminate the pitfalls that led to the collapse of our Nation-State and left the scarecrow “Rwanda” managed by the RPF ; the Rwanda that has become a threat to peace throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.
2.2. Wherever we are, let’s unite around the eminently superior project of liberating our country to establish peace and justice for all, so that together we can enter the era of sustainable, integral development, in a region that is stabilized and habitable for all.
2.3. Let’s take our destiny into our own hands and enter, with eyes wide open, into the honorable projects of our beloved homeland. Let us be ready to block the path of lies, manipulation, dissimulation, corruption and terror, the formidable weapons of the cross-border formation, RPF. The time has come to refuse to be led by the men and women who have decimated and continue to massacre the Rwandan people and their neighbors.
- To States and Organizations that are friends of the Rwandan people, particularly those that have been involved in one way or another in the Rwandan tragedy, we offer them our warmest encouragement for:
3.1. Disassociate yourselves from the criminal, racist and hegemonic regime in Kigali. Indeed, continuing to support the RPF regime shamefully tarnishes the respectable image that the Rwandan people had for the friendly peoples and organizations in question.
3.2. Implement measures to disable the RPF, a cross-border, extremist, and racist politico-military organization. To achieve this, you need to:
3.2.1. Consider an arms embargo, an economic embargo, and a diplomatic embargo against Rwanda.
3.2.2. Stop demonizing or denigrating the popular forces of resistance that are subject to extermination – along with their peoples – by the RPF. Consequently, stop participating in the RPF’s evil game of exterminating or annihilating the Hutu and Tutsi elite who resist its macabre plan.
3.2.3. Bring out of hiding all reports incriminating the current regime in Rwanda, which reports, until now, are under embargo [14] because of the support that certain States and Organizations still give to the RPF Regime in Rwanda.
3.2.4. Establish, without procrastination, an international criminal tribunal to judge those responsible for the crimes committed since 1990 in Rwanda and in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. How is it possible that Mr. Paul KAGAME [15], the world’s greatest criminal of the 20th and 21st centuries, is still at large today?
3.2.5. Compel the RPF regime to return all the wealth plundered from the DRC since 1996.
3.2.6. Unambiguously support constructive initiatives to replace the RPF regime in power in Kigali for more than 30 years, a militaristic regime that has plunged the country and the entire region into an unspeakable multidimensional crisis.
The Rwandan people, united and supported by friendly Peoples and Organizations, are fighting for a regime in the hands of their daughters and sons, a regime capable of leading them along the paths of peace, prosperity, and good neighborliness in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, in a free and prosperous world.
Done in Paris, France, On August 15, 2024.
Signatories :
1. Rwandan Government in Exile (GREX), Padiri Thomas NAHIMANA.
1. Abigenga Bishyize Hamwe – Free Humans in Solidarity (ABH – HLS), Mr. Simon Pierre MUTABAZI.
2. General Kabiligi Foundation – Umuhuza (FGK – Umuhuza): Ms. Oliva MURENZI.
3. International Association for Peace and Development (IAPDA), Mr. Jean Vivien HABYALIMANA.
4. Pro-Justitia Rwanda, Mr. Jean Damascene RUGOMBOKA.
1. Dr. Pierre Celestin BAKUNDICYICARO, Professor – Researcher.
2. Dr. Innocent BIRUKA, Lawyer.
3. Dr. Emmanuel MWISENEZA, Veterinarian.
4. Mr. Michel NIYIBIZI, Retired Professor.
5. Dr. Fulgence RUBAYIZA, Physician.
6. Father Fortunatus RUDAKEMWA, Expert in the History of Rwanda.
[2] United Kingdom: Plan to expel migrants to Rwanda passed by Parliament: ;
Great Britain – Rwanda: What if Britain’s trade in asylum seekers hid a well-organized international criminal enterprise?
[3] The colonization of Australia began in 1788 with the opening of a high-security prison for criminals whom the British Crown wanted to keep away from its territory. It was these criminals who became the symbol of « British civilization » on the Australian continent and surrounding islands! What they did to the indigenous peoples is what awaits the peoples of Africa’s Great Lakes.
History of Australia:
[4] Over 12 million dead in the Great Lakes region of Africa, including at least 3 million in Rwanda (see various reports by UN bodies and human rights activists).
[5] Rwamucyo E, Niyibizi S., L’impact sociodémographique des conflits armés, In Imbonezamuryango. 1993 Apr; p. : 27-30.
[6] RPF: Rwandan Patriotic Front, a cross-border politico-military organization dominated by a tiny minority of Tutsis who evolved mainly in Uganda and Burundi.
[7] Tutsi International POWER is a system in which any Tutsi or member of a related social group (Banyamulenge, Hima, Masai, Peul, etc.), whether Rwandophone or not, is Rwandan, with associated privileges in the RPF system.
[8] The 2018 statistics for Rwanda show that the fertility rate is almost 4 children per woman, which implies a population growth rate of 2.3% per year.
Demography of Rwanda:
[9] Vasectomy, an ambitious program in Rwanda:
[10] Rwanda: 2,200 « genocidaires » released in 2024, who are they? ;
Ranking of countries with the highest number of prisoners per 100,000 of the world’s population in January 2023:
[11] The case of GITARAMA, the symbol of the proclamation of the Rwandan Republic and the abolition of the monarchy on January 28, 1961, has become MUHANGA, the symbol of a prison for the little people likely to rebel.
[12] Jean-Damascècene Rugomboka, Carte des sites du génocide et des massacres au Rwanda: Analyse des données et cartographie (French edition), April 7, 2020.
[13] Rwanda came under the French language after the First World War (1914-1918), when the League of Nations (League) placed Ruanda-Urundi – then a German protectorate with Tanganyika (now Tanzania) – under Belgian trusteeship and annexed to the Belgian Congo, now the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
[14] A few reports and documents still under embargo:
– Robert Gersony/UNHCR report, September 1994.
– Human Rights report, September 1994
– Reports on the Kibeho massacres by the International Red Cross and Australian and Zambian UNAMIR soldiers, April 22, 995.
– ICTR Investigators’ secret report to the Prosecutor, October 1, 2003.
– Robert Garreton reports 1 and 2 on the massacre of Hutu refugees in Zaire/DRC in 1996 and 1997.
– Mapping Report on crimes committed on DRC territory between March 1993 and June 2003, October 2010.
– Some books by respectable authors: Judi Rever, Rwanda: In Praise of Blood, Ed. Maxi Mil, 2020; Michela Wrong, Rwanda: Assassins Without Borders, Ed. Max Milo, 2023; Charles Onana, These killers the Tutsi: At the heart of the Congolese tragedy, Duboiris Eds, 2009 and Holocaust in Congo. The Omerta of the international community, Ed. L’artilleur, 2023; Hervé Cheuzeville, Rwanda: Twenty-five years of lies, Ed. Vincentello d’Istria, 2018.
[15] Paul Kagame is a TUTSI who served as an officer in the security services of the army of the Republic of Uganda. He came to be the undisputed master of the RPF organization (see note 5) after having physically eliminated or forced into exile the real and potential opponents within this formation. Since 1990, under various guises, he, General KAGAME Paul, has been leading the Rwandan people down the path of death.
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